Friday The 13th

It’s been a while! Senior year has been stressful. Life could be better. However, I’m here to take note of a few things I’ve been really into lately and remind myself of a few things I want to get into.

New Music Friday, the source of my sanity.

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I type. It’s the only way I get my hands on songs I never would have found on my own. I wish they did this for Korean music, as I’m quite a fan and am not the best at keeping up with the constant flow of songs being released in the industry. I recommend it to anyone who needs new sounds in their life!

Foundr Magazine’s Instagram account found me.

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As I scroll through my Instagram feed first thing in the morning or between classes I often pass at least one post from Foundr. I don’t remember ever following the account, but recently I’ve been very glad I did. Sometimes we all need words of encouragement but can’t necessarily ask the people around to give it to us. This is where Foundr’s Instagram comes in. The account gives me the quick boost I need to keep my chin up as I tackle the rest of my day, instead of simply muddling through it. It also gives great tips that take you a second to understand. My personal favorite as of recently?

The trick isn’t adding stuff, it’s taking away.” – Mark Zuckerberg

Satisfying cravings through Honeykki (꿀키) 

I’ve been trying to cook more, and I hope to keep this up! Maybe it’ll result in eating out less. Honeykki is my savior when it comes to Asian (mostly Korean) cooking videos. Her videos are clean and clearly labeled, and the recipes never seem too difficult. Before I tried my hand at cooking, I only watched her videos to satisfy my Korean food cravings and for ASMR-style relaxation. I hope to make her Gochujang Stew (고추장찌개) sometime soon. An added bonus is that it helps me expand my Korean vocabulary!

Tune in: How I Built This with Guy Raz


Someone in class mentioned this podcast. I wish I could say I was a “sucker for podcasts,” but unfortunately I start them and often don’t have time to finish. There are so many I actually have interest in but I have commitment issues. I really want to get into this one. I think I’ll start with the one about Airbnb! Note to self, tune into How I Build This by the end of this weekend.